Active Woman® Define


Ideal fat burner for active women

You can lose weight without starving yourself or spending all day on the treadmill. You can eat reasonable portions and put in reasonable workouts, and shed fat while you do it. Define was created to help you fight cravings and burn fat. Each capsule contains a unique blend of research-supported ingredients for weight management, including green tea extract, konjac mannan (glucomannan), caffeine and chromium.

Define helps boost your metabolism, thanks to the caffeine and green tea extract, while the glucomannan makes your meals more filling, so you eat slightly less over the day. This is supported by chromium, which helps fight cravings for sweet things. So, if you want to drop a few pounds to fit into that gorgeous dress or get toned and sexy for the beach, Define can help you get there.



Designed specifically for women who want to lose weight without starving themselves, Active Woman® Define is a blend of research-supported weight loss ingredients that boost your metabolism and curb your junk food cravings, so you don’t ruin your diet.

Controlling your weight doesn’t need to be complicated. Define combines three highly effective ingredients to give your weight loss goals the boost they need. With 500mg green tea extract and 100mg caffeine, your metabolism gets a mighty kick to speed up your fat burning potential. We’ve also added konjac mannan (glucomannan), which is a dietary fibre that swells in your stomach to give you the feeling of being full, and so you have fewer hunger pangs throughout the day. Lastly, there’s chromium, which is known to curb cravings and keep your sweet tooth under control.

So, whether you want to lose weight for your sport or your dream is getting beach-ready with Active Woman®, you’ll find the journey easy.

Your Healthy Living 2018 – Best Slimming or Fitness Award
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