The Art of Push-Ups: Push-up form and technique
Master the art of push-ups with tips on perfect form, variations, and progression. Learn how to boost strength and get the most from your push-up workout! Push-up variations Push up on Toes Push up...

The 4 Best Calisthenics Exercises Fitness Enthusiasts Should Use To Gain Calisthenics Superpowers
Discover the 4 functional exercises every fitness enthusiast needs to build strength and unlock calisthenics superpowers with this essential workout guide! Calisthenics seems to be the buzz word in...

Discover the 5 best exercises for great abs. Learn how to strengthen your core, tone your midsection, and get those six-pack abs fast! Abs are something we all want but it's making sure we work the...

The Twin Challenge: Do sports supplements really work - Can Supplementation Give You The Edge?
Can sports supplements boost your fitness results? Discover how Bio-Synergy challenged twins to find out if supplements really make a difference in training! Bio-Synergy challenged twins, Jessica &...

Your Fitness Goals: A Personal Trainer's Guide to Bio-Synergy Bundles
Photo by John Arano / Unsplash Written by Jo Herman, Level 3PT, cyclist, OCR competitor & endurance athlete. As a personal trainer, I’m always looking for ways to help my clients reach their ...

It is incredibly easy to become very performance-driven as an athlete, which is fantastic! Being motivated by time on the clock, weight on the bar, the score board… this is crucial in making compet...