Top 5 Best Ab Exercises

Top 5 Best Ab Exercises

Discover the 5 best exercises for great abs. Learn how to strengthen your core, tone your midsection, and get those six-pack abs fast!

Abs are something we all want but it's making sure we work them correctly to truly have abs of steel.

Best Ab Exercises

Below we share our top 5 exercises to strengthen your core...


Targets: Upper Abs Reps: 15-20

Lie flat on the floor and bend your knees bringing you feet towards you. Place something on your feet to stop you from moving too much. Put your arms on your chest and raise your torso until upright.


Targets: Lower Abdominals

Reps: To Failure

Make sure you DO NOT swing your body, keeping your legs close together. When your legs hit the top of each rep hold for 1/2 seconds before lowering,


Targets: Upper Abdominals

Reps: 15-20

When you get to the top of the exercise rotate your torso slightly. For a variation use the cables and implement drop sets. This will allow your to really feel the burn and build core strength.


Targets: Upper and Lower Abdominals

Reps: To Failure

Lie flat on the floor. raise your legs towards to the ceiling while at the same time raising your torso touching your feet with your hands. Make sure the movement is controlled.


Targets: Upper and Lower Abdominals, Obliques, and Core

Reps: 15-20 reps

Stand with your feet should width apart. Hold a cable a perform a chopping movement moving diagonally across your body from shoulder height to knee height.

How to include these best ab exercises in your next workout

You can perform these abdominal muscles exercises in any order, but always remember to perform the movements with a control and engage your core.

Once you have finished your workout make sure your take on some protein with Whey Better.


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