Training Protocols and Building Confidence in Athletes with England Athletics National Coach Harry King Dip Hyp CS

1. Are there any last-minute training methods athletes use in the weeks ahead of a big event like the Paralympics?The final ‘Race Preparation’ phase of training leading up to a major games or long ...

Euro 2016 – How to Maximise Recovery During Tournament Football By Matt Burton Performance Director at Zero Ten Performance

One of the biggest challenges tournament football presents is managing fatigue levels & recovering properly between games that are sometimes as little as 4 days apart. Add to this conundrum the...

Do genetics affect your gym results? By Luke Teuma Personal trainer and Managing Director of Lean with Luke

It's heard all the time, some people use genetics as their key to why they look so good, but on the other hand, some people use it to explain why they find it hard to reach goals. But does it reall...

Avocado Pesto Sauce

If you missed it this week we highlighted some steps to reducing your sugar intake, one of which was making your own sauces.Linking up with Libby Alice Fitness we give you this Avocado Pesto Sauce....

Strength and Conditioning For MMA

By BSc Hons Sid Atkinson and BSc Hons Austin floodDuring a fight camp, athletes dramatically increase frequency, duration and intensity of their technical training. As Strength and Conditioning coa...

Banana Protein Pancakes

Banana Protein Pancakes

In celebration of #NationalBreakfastWeek we have teamed with Libby Hancock over at Libby Alice Fitness to bring you these awesome protein packed pancakes.Easy to make packed full of flavour these a...