Make a Dash to the finish line with Dash of the Titan

Dash of the titan is an OCR set in the picturesque woodland of the Thoresby Estate near Newark Nottinghamshire and is now entering its third year.We have developed the course over the 3 races we ha...

5 essential vegetables for staying healthy and packing on lean muscle

In a traditional bodybuilding diet, the emphasis will undoubtedly be placed on protein and carbohydrates as these two powerhouse macro-nutrients are seen by a lot of bodybuilding enthusiasts as the...

Choosing the right supplement with PT Ian Hugo

Supplementing alongside a regular healthy diet is a popular choice amongst most fitness enthusiasts.Any individual who trains a lot generally has an understanding of the need to put the right quant...

Food. Exercise. Confidence.

These are three words that can strike fear into the hearts of many otherwise happy and successful women. We have it drilled into us that we’re supposed to look a certain way; eat this and not that;...

The 5 must-have supplements that helped me achieve my physique by Rob Farrington

I have a confession to make. I’m not a fitness pro, a personal trainer or a nutritionist. I’m a just a guy who whose passionate about fitness and had the objective of achieving what I guess you cou...


Hi! I’m Lauren, I’m 23 and have been seriously into fitness and weight training for almost a year now.I’m so proud to represent a brand like Bio-synergy who appeal to all sorts of fitness enthusias...

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