Triathlon looming, weight reducing and fitness improving

I've had so much going on in life recently with loads of stress that I haven't been thinking about my diet or training. What's been really great though is that I haven't needed to think as I've just done it automatically. My diet has improved massively since starting the 12 week challenge and I've followed the advice of Ann at FamouslyFit nearly all the time and the result is I've lost nearly a stone in weight and 2 inches from my waist. I do think the training has contributed to this though as I've been spinning, cycling, running and swimming to train for my triathlon. I do think that a huge benefit of the advice I got on healthy eating and the Whey Better protein is that I now have a very healthy breakfast which sets me up for the day. I was skipping or having a bacon or sausage butty but now I have a Fruit Smoothie 5-6 days a week. This is made in about 30 seconds with frozen strawberries, apple juice and 2 scoops of protein powder. It tastes great and fills me up.
The triathlon is in two weeks, it's only a super sprint but it's hopefully the first of many triathlons of varying types. I've also started fundraising for Cancer Research UK, and theres a donation page at

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