My Bio Synergy Challenge

Before the challenge started, we had two weeks to start looking at how we eat and how to implement more Bio Synergy products to help us with our fitness and health goals. I really didn't know that after 2 1/2 weeks, I would get this far. So far, I have lost 4 1/2 inches everywhere already (except my arms still keep getting bigger!).
Other things I have noticed: More energy when getting up in the morning. After eating healthy and then trying to have something too sweet, it was too much for me. I no longer have any occasional stomach problems. However, the biggest thing for me was that I completed a V4 boulder problem a few days ago. I felt lighter, more flexible and more energetic to pull the last move. For those that don't understand rock climbing, bouldering consists of short, powerful moves on a short climb (probably a few metres up) and the grading system is V0 for beginners all the way up where V5/6 is fairly intermediate/advanced while a V7/V8 is pretty amazing. I spent a lot of time on this route, working through the moves, as it was fairly intense and required a bit of flexibility on my part (thank god for yoga!).
Thus, I have signed up for a pretty big bouldering competition for the 26th May. I don't have amazingly high hopes that I will be anywhere near the top 3 as I have only been bouldering and lead/sport climbing for one year and before that, top-roping for about 6 months. So I am just happy to have a bit of fun. Competition is great as you are forced on to routes and boulder problems you would normally not choose and you give it a go anyway.
Also a little update on my food and training. So far, sticking to the food plan like a boss! I still only have one shot of espresso in the morning, but not every morning, and I am finding Bio-Synergy's energy drink combined with the protein shake before my heavy training is working well. What is surprising me is that when you really replace lots of starchy carbs with good stuff, you really eat a lot less calories without even thinking about it! I also managed to add in a few more exercise sessions throughout the week, particularly in preparation for the competition. My training schedule at the moment looks something like this:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday: Climb 2 1/2 hours and 30 minutes on the fingerboard
Tuesday: 1 hour of Mountain Athlete training (, 1 hour of Yoga, 1 hour of Spin
Thursday: Sprints/Two Olympic Lifts; 1 hour with my climbing coach; 1 hour of Mountain Athlete Training with some of Ann Mather's fitball exercises.
Saturday: Sprints/Two Olympic Lifts; 1 1/2 hour Yoga; 1 hour of Mountain Athlete Training with Fitball
Sunday: 1 hour of Spin
Once a month - full body deep tissue massage therapy
I am looking forward to weighing myself after the first official week on Sunday, so fingers crossed things go well!
