Week Two = Success!!

Hi Everyone. Week 2 of the 12 week challenge has finished and I'm thrilled to be able to report that it was a great success for me! I've stuck to the exercise plan and dietary advice very closely and have lost around 4lbs in the last week which is amazing. I feel great too and my energy levels have really increased. I'm finding now that I'm actually looking forward to my workouts as they are so varied. My old gym habits of tediously long cardio sessions are now a thing of the past and instead I'm doing circuit training, running, resistance work and interval cardio training. It's so much more interesting and it seems to be really delivering results fast when combined with the high protein dietary plan I've been following.
The biggest challenge for me was the two 5km runs that Ann put into my exercise plan. I'm actually really enjoying doing these now as they are a challenge which I'm always determined to power through and I feel fantastic after completing them! I'm getting more and more used to my diet plan now and am fitting the 5-6 small meals a day in around my lifestyle and am getting to grips with ensuring I have the protein-rich snacks inbetween main meals while I'm at work during the day.
I'm finding that I'm very aware now of the nutritional content of everything I eat and am finding ways to still eat some of my favourite foods but swapping some ingredients to make them healthier alternatives. This way I don't feel like I'm completely eliminating things and I still feel like I'm having treats occassionally too.
I'm aiming to follow my diet and exercise plan really closely throughout week 3 and I'm looking forward to seeing if the results at the end of this week are as good as they were at the end of week 2! The success of week 2 will motivate me onwards!
