Week 2 progress: the good the bad and the ugly ...

So it’s been over a week now and progress in some areas has been amazing and others not so good.

The food plan, protein shakes and supplements recommended and provided by Ann at Famously Fit and John at Bio-Synergy have been great. In just under two weeks I’ve lost 5 pounds in weight and I’m working on losing more. I found it hard initially to cut out unhelpful carbs such as bread, pasta, rice and potatoes but when replaced with good carbs like veg and fruit I don’t feel hungry. The biggest improvement has been breakfast. I was skipping breakfast and then having a mid morning breakfast cob or alternatively a Birds sausage cob (on brown bread to pretend it was healthier), and although they were (are) delicious, they weren't doing my waistline or health any good. Now I only have them as a special treat and instead now have a breakfast smoothie at breakfast time made from Bio-Synergy Whey Better protein shake with frozen strawberries, ground almonds and apple juice. I then have a mid morning snack of Bio-Synergy protein bar and a few mixed nuts. That way I’m getting a healthy mix of protein, carbs and essential good fats while feeling full and losing weight. It’s a win win!

The exercise routine hasn’t been so good. I am training for a triathlon for charity in July, unfortunately I did some DIY at the weekend that aggravated an old lower back injury so I had to rest for a couple of days. Since then though I have swam, done spin classes and seen an osteopath - all of which have helped. So I’m working on getting back to the exercise routine, building up my strength and stamina and making sure my metabolism is working great (helped by the Thermogen and NO2 supplements).

Well done to all that have posted and made progress - we are heading for amazing results!
