The 12 Week Challenge Wrap

The First 12 Week Challenge has (for the most part) come to a close. And despite the enormous struggles and obstacles, there have been enormous triumphs by everyone involved. Through injury and illness, the rare relapse, and the ugly faces of temptation or laziness, everyone who participated managed to better themselves in some way. Many were able to dramatically reshape (literally!) their lives and have felt the incredible affects in their physical abilities and overall health. So through all the hard work, the early mornings, and endless chicken dinners, I say a warm Bravo! to the intrepid squad who undertook such a gruelling journey.
With the help of nutrition, advice, and supplements from the team here at Bio-Synergy, a team of 12 set out in October to set their lives on a better path. And most of them undoubtedly have. With an average weight loss of over a stone, and an average of 3 inches dropped off their waist, these 12 Week Challengers laid it all on the line to achieve the figure of their dreams. At the time of writing, there were still a few contestants entering the final stretch, but the numbers were encouraging. There was a total of 15 inches dropped off the collective waist band and a whopping 100 pounds of fat shed. The result has been a dramatic change in the lives and happiness of all the contestants involved.
To find out more just how the 12 Week Challenge and Bio-Synergy has helped our fans along, read on below to discover some of the amazing changes that participants experienced with the help and knowledge of our expert team. There were plenty of success stories - we just wanted to share a few to show what incredible changes these amazing individuals have brought to their lives!
Sharon Curran

Sharon joined the challenge hoping to continue an incredible weight loss streak that had seen her lose 17 lbs and she was looking to continue that torrid pace. Did she ever! In her own words:
"Since starting the challenge I have lost 17lbs and 66.5 cm’s from various parts of my body. I purchased my first ever pair of jeans at the age of 37, which are now too big for me! I have had so many compliments about my new figure from friends and my confidence has rocketed. I have had to buy a whole new  wardrobe of clothes because my old ones were swamping me and I was amazed when last week I bought my first ever size 10 top!!!!!!  On the bottom I am currently somewhere between a 14/16 and on top I think I am averaging about a 12 now which is a massive change for me – it has made shopping for clothes so much easier and means I have a lot more choice in what I can wear now."
Check out the amazing changes that Sharon has managed to achieve - what do you think?

Joanna Barrett

Jo came to us looking to take her fitness to the next level and trim down after giving birth to three kids. While she already managed to squeeze plenty of exercise into her schedule, she needed an extra push to start eating healthy and getting the most out of her workouts. Having completed the Challenge, I think she'd say she's done well:
"I have managed to lose just over a stone and 40.5cm off my whole body! I am amazed at the results and can see real muscle definition now, in particular on my upper body. The increase in my strength and decrease in body fat has enabled me to make some real progress with pole dancing, which I love and you can see this from my after photos! ;) I also took up jogging at the beginning of the challenge and I could barely manage 2 miles without having at least 3 walking breaks! Now I can run almost 5 miles without stopping and have just achieved a new personal best of 8 mins 32 seconds per mile on average! Keeping my exercise routine so varied has helped me maintain my plan and motivation. Within my week I include running, horse riding, pole dancing, ballet fitness, zumba, resistance training and now yoga! I am hooked! I have loads of energy as I am eating the right kinds of foods and have never felt so fit and healthy! My family and friends have all commented and have kept me inspired throughout the challenge."
Jo was kind enough to enlighten me to the fitness benefits of pole dancing classes. Congrats, Jo - the results definitely show!

Sarah Hunter
"Well 12 weeks have been and gone and it’s amazing just how much better I feel now. I’m sleeping better, training better and look better!  Not only have I lost 10 lbs but I have lost an amazing 59cms from around my body.  Namely 9cm from my waist, 7cm from my hips and 10cm from my thighs! And my six pack has made an appearance! My hero product has got to be THERMOGEN, of all the supplements that I took this one had the most affect on my body and enabled me to boost my metabolism in order to burn those fat cells. Previously I had used Skinny Protein Shakes and this is my 2nd hero product (if you can have a 2nd hero product!) I love the taste of all the flavours and enjoy that drink after a hard workout.  I have managed to persuade several of my friends to start using them too!"

There has been more than enough success to go around. On our side, it's been truly inspirational to see such amazing changes taking place in individuals who've fully committed themselves to getting fit and eating healthy. The possibilities are endless when you embrace the right principles, as all of the participants in the first 12 Week Challenge discovered. Stay tuned for your chance to join the next 12 Week Challenge and start living the life of your dreams!
Stay fit and stay healthy,
The Bio-Synergy Team
