8 weeks gone already....!

Hi Everyone. I really can't believe we are now in week 9 of the 12 week challenge! It's flown by - which I credit to the fact that I don't feel like I'm on a slavish miserable diet! Instead I just feel like I've been eating really healthily and doing lots of sensible exercise. That said, I didn't follow my diet plan very well during week 8 as it was my birthday and I went out for lots of meals with family and friends. I did, however, still manage to lose another pound and 2 inches overall which I think is down to the exercise. Although my diet slipped a bit, my exercise didn't!
I'm really enjoying my exercise plan and hate it if I end up missing a session so I plan out each week what exercise I will do on each day (around my working schedule, etc) and this helps me to avoid unexpected missed exercise sessions!
I'm going away this weekend and this will involve eating out for 3 days and I won't get chance to work out. I'll try and eat as healthily as possible while I'm away and I'll take some healthy snacks with me like fruit, nuts and protein bars. I'm going to throw myself back into exercise and be very strict with my diet when I get back to compensate!

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