Woop woop - not such a bad week after all

Well after a rather bad week exercise wise and food wise as I was away visiting my daughter at Uni, I have just submitted my weekly sheets and have still managed to loose 5 cms overall again this week, no weight but I'm not too hung up about that at the moment.
Secondly I have managed 2 runs this weekend both just under 4 miles and with no calf problems at all - this is so good seeing as its only 4 weeks since my injury! I now feel so much better and motivated again after feeling really down about my lack of exercise last week.  This just shows me that again I don't have to be to worried if I do fall off the wagon occasionally and that the 80/20 theory does still work, even though my week was probably nearer 60/40!!
So I'm now on track to train for the Norwich Half Marathon at the end of November and glad I now have a goal to focus on.
One happy Challenger again :D :D :D

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