Well I have to say, I've never been more determined to succeed than when I signed up for this 12 week challenge. So far this year I've managed to lose 4 stone of excess baby weight, but my weight l...
さて、どこから始めましょうか。これまでのところ、12 週間のチャレンジは浮き沈みの連続でした。体重は 10 インチ減りましたが、2 ポンドしか減りませんでした。憂鬱ですよね?今週末の私のモチベーションは、かなり物足りないものでした。とてもまずいものを食べてしまいました。 それでもジムで5時間はトレーニングしたので、それが悪いおやつをキャンセルするかどうかはわかりません。3週間で5kmのタイム...
Had a really good weekend in Telford for the Good Health Show. Met Ann, Cengiz and John and was good to finally be able to put a face to a name. Throughout the day I listened to many different nutr...
My first hurdle on the 12 Week Challenge
3 days in on Week 1 of the 12 Week Challenge and I ripped my calf muscle whilst out on a long run. I knew I'd done some serious damage as I stopped dead in my tracks when the muscle went 'ping'. ...
So today I went rock climbing with a group. Normally I don't get a chance to actually climb myself (as I'm usually busy looking after the safety of the group) but as today's group was of a good abi...