Nearly halfway through!

So, I've really been enjoying the challenge so far and although I've not lost huge amounts of weight or inches, I'm not doing too badly.  So far in total I have lost just under 6 inches around my body and only 0.4kg...  hehe..  But at least the weight's been pretty stable, which is nice for once.
The diet is still going well, but it's definitely (for me anyway) the hardest part of the challenge to keep up with as I had so many deep-rooted bad habits like skipping meals and eating unbalanced meals (obviously not intentionally, but mainly through forgetfulness or just being stupidly busy).
The good news is that I have started back on my higher intensity work-outs from this week, so it should be interesting to see where these take me.  I definitely have to make an appointment for a sports massage too - although I'm not really aching on a day-to-day basis too much (lots of warm ups and stetching/cool-downs), my muscles are feeling quite taut in places!
Got a few compliments this weekend too - was asked whether I was a personal trainer by two different people on Oxford Street!  Made me laugh, but also felt quite nice!  Means something's working I suppose!
Hope everyone has a great week ahead!  Enjoy the sunshine!
