How to be more productive in the gym by Alex Macdonald

Do you find yourself floating around the gym  from machine to machine. Spending hours in the gym thinking you are being productive but actually you are just wasting valuable minutes and even hours?...

Stay Fit and Healthy on a City Break

We caught up with BSc Hons James Rutherford to find out what you can do to make sure your health and fitness plan stays on track when you take a little city break.Before: Consumption of B vitamins...

Tone Flabby Arms By Lisa Wilkinson LWFITT Fitness presenter; Bio-Synergy Ambassador

Tone Flabby Arms By Lisa Wilkinson LWFITT Fitnesspresenter & Bio-Synergy AmbassadorWant toned, sexy arms and shoulders especially for summer?!I get asked a lot how can I tone the bingo wings. I...

How can exercise make us feel and look 10 years younger ?

By Alex MacdonaldNobody wants to feel old or look older than they are...So, how can exercise make us feel and look younger?What exactly does it do to our body, muscles and energy levels?Exercise ca...

Training Tips To Keep You on Track

1. Have A Plan.If you don’t set yourself a goal or target you might be more likely to give up.Set yourself a plan over a period f 8 weeks then change it up to keep you interested and training fun.2...

An Easy Guide To Reducing Your Sugar Intake

With the recent news of many high street coffees containing as much as 25 teaspoons of sugar, many of us are looking to reduce are overall intake to help us stay healthy.1. Stop Buying Processed Fo...

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#MakeithappenresetWeek 5 of the #MakeItHappen Reset Challenge: Pushing Past Hurdles & Gaining Momentum

Week 5 of the #MakeItHappen Reset Challenge: Pushing Past Hurdles & Gaining Momentum

Welcome to Week 5 of the #MakeItHappen Reset Challenge! You’re halfway through, and it’s time to reflect, adjust, and gain momentum. This week, we’re focusing on overcoming any hurdles you’ve faced...

#MakeithappenresetKickstart Your Transformation: Join the 12-Week #MakeItHappen Reset Challenge

Kickstart Your Transformation: Join the 12-Week #MakeItHappen Reset Challenge

Looking for a 12-week fitness challenge to transform your body and mind? Join our FREE program designed to help you build strength, boost endurance, and create lasting healthy habits. Get a structu...

Ramadan Training Tips

Ramadan Training Tips

I love to train during Ramadan even though, just like most strength athletes and body builders I am afraid of losing muscle mass whilst fasting.