Week 8 and it isn't too late

Must admit I've been feeling a bit despondent this last week as I haven't lost any weight for a couple of weeks. I have lost inches though so that is what is keeping me going at the moment - I'm certainly glad to have been taking my measurements so that I can see there are still changes happening even if the scales aren't going down.
The onslaught of Christmas parties and meals out isn't helping but I'm going to allow myself some treats but will just pull things in a little tighter the day before and after to accomodate them. I do not want to be a 'diet bore' so at least this way I can still enjoy those festive meals without appearing a party pooper. I've also nominated myself as designated driver for each meal so I can't get tempted to drink as I know that is a sure fire way to wreck a weeks good work.
In other news I saw some friends who haven't seen me for a while and they instantly noticed my weight loss and said how good I am looking which made me feel brilliant. Four weeks to go and I am determined to keep up the momentum to the end of this challenge and beyond - once this challenge comes to a close that won't be the end of my journey I'm going to carry on going until I reach my ultimate goal.
I am not a fan of winter so my walks are suffering as I just cannot cope with the cold weather. I'm trying to make sure I put in a bit of extra effort when I go swimming and I think I'm going to dust off some of my exercise things for the Wii as at least I can do those in the warmth of the house. I'm also excited to find out that they will be offering Zumba sessions at my local leisure centre in the New Year which I will be able to attend for free with my membership so I can do those in addition to the Zumba class I pay for each week.
Three weeks to go and I'd love it if I could lose another half a stone before the challenge ends - fingers, toes and everything else crossed!

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