
Try this Jerk Chicken post workout meal recipe!

post workout meal recipe

A good post workout meal is the cornerstone of a successful training regime.

It refuels your body after the stresses of training and whatever goal you’re training for a healthy, balanced post workout meal will help you make it happen.
Try this Jamaican jerk chicken recipe which will give you all the vital macros you need post workout and tastes great.
225g chicken breast
225g cubed sweet potato
225g broccoli
2 tsp olive oil
Jamaican Jerk seasoning to taste
Place a medium-sized, non-stick pan over medium to high heat. Add olive oil, chicken, and the Jerk seasoning. Stir as needed to cook the chicken on all sides.
As the chicken cooks, place the sweet potato cubes and broccoli florets in a bowl. Cover with a damp paper towel and microwave for 3 to 4 minutes to steam.
Once the vegetables are done steaming in the microwave, add them to the frying pan. Stir and reduce heat. Cook until chicken is done and sweet potato cubes are fork tender.
Makes 1 serving
Calories: 466
Fat: 15g
Carbs: 34g
Fibre: 9g
Protein: 50g
For an added post-workout energy boost and recovery consider adding BCAA's or something from Bio Synergy's extensive energy and recovery range.

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