Raw Chocolate Brownies


Made with whole food ingredients, these divine brownies are truly indulgent.


250g rolled jumbo oats (gluten-free if required), blended

500g pitted Medjool soft dates

25g raw cacao powder
 or cacao powder

1⁄2 tsp pure vanilla bean extract

1⁄4 tsp sea salt, crushed

100g dark chocolate chips (or you can use milk chocolate chips if no dairy allergies)

chocolate coating

160g coconut oil (odorless), melted

120g agave nectar or maple syrup

80g raw cacao powder
 or cacao powder

sea salt

1 tsp pure vanilla bean extract

Preparation time 30 mins, freeze time – 30 mins (plus refrigeration)

How to make

Line a 23cm square pan with parchment paper.

In a food processor, process the oats into a fine sandy consistency with slight rough texture.

Add the pitted dates and process until finely chopped and smooth.

Add the cacao powder, vanilla, and sea salt and process until thoroughly combined, keep scraping down the sides, and breaking up the mixture.

When the mixture has formed into a log or ball shape, remove from the food processor and place in your pre-lined tin. I wear disposable gloves at this point to evenly press the mixture into the prepared square pan until smooth, or you can use the back of a large spoon.

Then scatter over the chocolate chips and then press into the mixture.

Place in the freezer for about 10 minutes.

For the chocolate topping: pour the sunflower/coconut oil into a mixing bowl and add the following ingredients: cacao powder, syrup, salt, and vanilla and whisk until combined and smooth.

Remove the brownies from the freezer and pour on the chocolate topping and spread out evenly.

Carefully transfer the pan to the freezer on a flat even surface and chill for 20 or more minutes or until the topping is firm enough to slice.

Run hot water over a knife for a minute or so, wipe quickly with a towel, and carefully slide the knife into the brownies to slice (warming up the knife helps it slice more evenly without much cracking). Store leftovers in the fridge for a chocolate treat anytime! Invite friends round to share!


You have to keep these brownies either in the freezer or fridge to prevent the topping from melting, however remove from the fridge or freezer 30 minutes before serving. My advice would be, once made, cut into squares and keep on a flat platter covered with cling film in the fridge.

Find out more of Lisa's amazing recipes over at My Relationship With Food.


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