Feel & Look Fabulous on your Wedding Day – Top Tips

At Bio-Synergy we are often contacted by brides, bridesmaids and even groom’s to help them get fitter, more toned, confident and calm on their wedding day.  The thing to do is remember – this day is for you – and the most important thing is that you feel good – inside out. Below we have created a few questions, and top tips which will help you achieve your goals, and more. Enjoy!

Buy a wedding notebook to answer these questions to help you get Specific About your Goals:

  • Questions to help you achieve your big happy day in style…

  • How do you want to feel on your wedding day?

  • How do you want to look on your wedding day?

  • How much exercise do you currently do?

  • Do you know how to achieve your goals, or do you need someone

  •  To help you on a weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis?

  • Do you want to train on your own, with your fiancée, and/or bridesmaids?

  • Do you need support and advice with healthy eating to give you energy, lose weight and feel good?

  • What things are going to stress you the most? Once you have identified these – write a solution and plan to manage these stresses?

Write a plan for each month leading up to the wedding with really specific goals to help you achieve the overall big goal. This will make things happen – we promise!


One you have taken the time to do this follow our simple tips to help you have a happy wedding, feeling fabulous on the day:

  • Exercise

  • Aim to do at least 20mins of daily activity – brisk walking, dancing, cycling to raise the heart rate and help to burn fat

  • Plan 2-3 ‘training sessions’ when you get sweaty, and start to improve your overall fitness – include cardio exercises, weights for toning and fat burning and core muscles to improve your posture for the wedding day, and flatten your abs for the honeymoon!

  • Daily exercises to improve your posture and core – for example, when your phone rings – pull in your lower core muscles, relax your shoulders and lift through the spine



  • Aim to eat three balanced meals a day including complex carbohydrates, quality protein and essential fatty acids, in a small portion size.

  • Drink at least 1.5litres of water a day (take a bottle to work and it should be empty when you go home!) and start the day with a big mug of green tea to boost the immune system, and fat burning zone.

  • Try to have little or no sugars, processed foods, and refined simple carbohydrates – plus little alcohol if you can – keep it all in balance

  • Plan your food and snacks in advance so you have good things with you, and avoid getting over hungry – check out Skinny Water and our Weight Management range to help you achieve your goals and make it happen.


Manage Your Stress

  • Keep a happy diary – writing down three things each day that have happened that made you smile, however small

  • Review your goals from the initial questions on a weekly basis to make sure you are on track

  • Get plenty of good quality sleep – aiming to be resting between 11pm – 6am at least as this is when you body gets the best repair.

  • Task people with things to do so they feel involved, and help keep you calm


Write down how you would like to feel on the day – what four qualities would you like to have. Ie. Happy, calm, confident and fun

  • Any limiting feelings you have , write them down and then focus on what the positive would be to let go of that fear

  • Start to visualise yourself on the day – what you will be wearing, how you will feel, who will be there, how happy you will be – keep a positive focus

  • Allow yourself to relax and be happy – believe in you, smile and have fun – it is your special day J

So commit to believing in yourself, and making this day wonderful for you, inside and out.
Kim Ingleby BSc (Hons)

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