The world championship report

For the past 3 weeks I have been travelling around Europe for this years Biketrial World championship. This year the events were help In Saix, France- Igualada, Spain and Sonico, Italy. All 3 events were great, these were probably the biggest world championships In terms of sponsorship and spectator turn out. There were thousands of people at each competition.
Results wise I did not end the championship as well as I had wanted. I was aiming for top 10 at all rounds, which was easily do able and I was riding well enough to achieve this In all 3 rounds however It just didn't happen for me. I finished 10th,12th and 12th giving me 11th in the Overall standings something that I am disappointed with. The 2nd and 3rd rounds did not suite me and my bike at all, I am 1 of only 2 riders in the Elite class competing on a 26” bike, the sections all heavily lean towards suiting the 20” bike (In my eyes that is)
- This is just me making excuses though, If I had rode better I would have done better!
The results may have been disappointing, but the 3 week trip was an amazing experience. As I am an Elite rider (you must be specially selected for this class) the focus of all the comps were on us and with the events being so hugely attended that was a lot of attention.
There was Newspaper, Magazine and TV coverage at all events. The event in Spain was by far the biggest. We took over the town and during the opening ceremony I have never seen so many people fit into 1 town square, a sea of excitable Spaniards! As well as TV coverage after the event, the images were shown live and during the awards ceremony in the evening on Big screens TV – I got quite a lot of airtime which was great.

BikeTrial World Championships d’Igualada from OCISPORT Outdoor Experiences on Vimeo.
This is footage from Spanish TV of the event In Spain, I hope you like watching it, gives a good view of what the event was like. As you can see it was a pretty special!
During the championships the governing body of our sport ( The Biketrial International Union - BIU) had a revamp and created a new committee. In Italy I was told I had been selected to become the first ever rider representative for the Biketrial International Union! It was a very big shock, especially as before hand I had no idea it was happening. But I am very honoured to have been selected and that I was the rider they thought would be best for the job.
There are some pictures from each event on my wesbite, can view them below, hope you like them!

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