Making Dreams Come True!

Week 6 for me, halfway through the challenge and am having a good week, so far.
I lost 3lbs and 10.5cm this week - brilliant! Am so pleased to see my measurements going down and I find myself saying "that can't be right" as I am taking them - suppose the disbelief in seeing the changes in black and white is quite a lot to take in.
I went out for the first time in ages at the weekend and it was so nice as I had lots of people asking "have you lost weight?" It's fab how great it feels when I tell them "yes I have!" and how much I have lost in total and hearing them reply "well you look absolutely fantastic!" Again it's these things that encourage me to keep up all my hard work.
This week I also decided that I wanted to give myself an extra reason to be motivated so I decided to do a sponsored slim for the last half of the challenge. I am aiming to lose at least another stone before Christmas - I hope I can do's going to be hard but I'm going to give it my best shot.
I've decided to support the Make a Wish Foundation UK as I am working hard to achieve my dreams of being slimmer and healthier. If the money I raise can help a terminally ill child to have their dream come true then I will feel my personal challenge has also helped someone else. Since becoming a mum I understand how children are so precious and how making these things possible for a dying child is a magical thing to do.
If anyone wishes to sponsor me and the staff at Bio-Synergy are happy for me to I can post the link to my Just Giving page. Please let me know if you'd like it.
Best of all I am now the lowest weight I have been in almost 7 years and it feels absolutely AMAZING!!!!!
Until next time - be good, be healthy and keep up the great work guys :)

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