Busy week! :)

Hello everyone! I've had a very busy week this week exercise-wise. I'm really enjoying my intermediate pole dancing class and am mastering some new and exciting moves which I am finding challenging, but this only fuels my motivation to achieve success! I have done both of my 3.72 mile runs this week with an experienced runner which has helped me to achieve my most satisying run yet at 9.24 mins/mile across the 3.72 miles without having to stop to walk AT ALL! Go me!! :) This is a first for me so I was rather chuffed, especially as one of the uphill stretches of my run goes on for a whole mile! Phew! I also tried a new trial class this week of Freestyle Fitness Yoga which I found challenging and from which I am aching today! I had a lovely gallop across the fields on my horse too which left us both out of breath but it was so exhilarating, being out in the fresh air on a lovely sunny autumn afternoon! The countryside near where I live is stunningly beautiful so I am extremely lucky to be able to make use of this.
I don't really have too much else to report - the supplements and diet plans are all going along ticket-y-boo. I have managed to lose 1 lb this week and another 3.5 cm, which I was pleased about. I think I have roughly another half stone to go.... so the end is in sight for me! I can really notice my body tone improving and am still getting so many encouraging compliments which is such a boost and helps me stay motivated.

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