Looking to shed that last little bit of fat around your midriff? Is the answer is "yes" you might want to keep reading.
This workout will have your body torching calories as it focuses on compound exercises to engage your core and help you maintain strength whilst on a low-calorie diet.
This workout will not only cut the fat but will also cut your time in the gym. Grab some kettlebells and get to it.
Perform each exercise for 40 seconds resting for 20 seconds. Once you progress and are able to do this with some ease perform each exercise for 45 seconds with 15 seconds rest. Perform this workout for 10-12 minutes.

2. Full Swing:
3. Figure 8 Curl
Working out at a higher intensity with less rest will enable you to burn more calories in a shorter period of time.
Prior to your workout take Bio-Synergy Body Perfect capsules. Tried and tested this formula has been designed to ignite your metabolism and help you burn fat. Containing ingredients backed by scientific research such as Green Tea, Caffeine with Guarana and L-tyrosine that can aid fat loss and help you achieve your health and fitness goals.
If you are looking to #MakeItHappen combine these with our other widely researched supplements such as our Skinny Meal Replacement Shake, a delicious low-calorie, low-fat high protein shake with green tea, l-carnitine & chromium to help you burn fat and reduce any unwanted cravings.
Combine this with our Active Woman Multivitamin to help maintain a healthy immune system and support general well-being.
These products can be found in our Burn and Reshape Stack. The stack has been designed to aid recovery and help you achieve a leaner physique.