This week for #WorkoutWednesday we caught up with Super7 ambassador Stefan Kauffman who shared his gruelling four-day training split with us.
Primarily compiled of compound movements and attacking multiple muscle groups per day, this unique split is guaranteed to lead to strength and size gains.
If you want to add some variety to your training, give this #NextLevel programme a try!
4 day training week over 3 weeks: (ABC)
Day 1:
Legs, chest, abs
Back Squat 6x3 @70%1RM(A) 70(B) 70(C)
Deadlift 5x5 @80%(A) +5kg(B) +2.5kg(C)
Bench Press 4x8 @70% +2.5(B) +2.5kg(C)
4 Chest isolation exercises @ 3x12
2 Ab exercises
Day 2:
Deadlift 6x3 @70(A) 70(B) 70(C)
Bench Press 5x5 @80(A) +5kg(B) +2.5kg(C)
Squat 4x8 @70(A) +2.5kg(B) +2.5kg(C)
4 Leg Isolations, (quads, hams, calves)
Day 3:
Bench Press 6x3 @70(A) 70(B) 70(C)
Squat 5x5 @80(A) +5kg(B) +2.5kg(C)
Deadlift 4x6 @70(A) +2.5kg(B) +2.5kg(C)
4 Back isolation exercises
2 Ab exercises
Day 4 (much easier day):
Pull downs 4x8
Cable pulls 4x8
Pull ups 4x8
Shrugs 4x8
Front raises 4x8