A decent leg workout in 2015 is the quickest way to develop stronger, more muscular legs. Bio-Synergy ambassador and personal trainer, Hayley Limitless Sinclair is taking her training to a new level and is ready to smash some P.Bs and stimulate some impressive muscle growth.
Many people's primary New Year's resolution is to trim down and lose weight, but for those who want to build rock hard muscle and improve your strength, this leg workout is a must. To build an impressive physique, it is important to start at the foundation: the legs.
Before the leg workout commences, ensure that you have warmed up for 15 minutes; particularly your legs and knee joints. Cycling for a moderate pace on a static bike is a great warm up, as it prepares your lower body for the brutality ahead.
Do you want to take your training to the next level like Hayley? Try this workout below if you are brave enough!

Hayley's current supplement stack:
For more sports supplements, including whey protein isolate, creatine monohydrate, fat burners and more, shop the full range online. Stay tuned to our health and fitness blog for more workouts and recipes coming soon. #MakeItHappen
Many people's primary New Year's resolution is to trim down and lose weight, but for those who want to build rock hard muscle and improve your strength, this leg workout is a must. To build an impressive physique, it is important to start at the foundation: the legs.
Before the leg workout commences, ensure that you have warmed up for 15 minutes; particularly your legs and knee joints. Cycling for a moderate pace on a static bike is a great warm up, as it prepares your lower body for the brutality ahead.
Do you want to take your training to the next level like Hayley? Try this workout below if you are brave enough!

Romanian Deadlifts
Leg press (Narrow feet)
Hayley's current supplement stack:

Killer Leg Workout 2015 - Death by Squat Rack |
Squats |
20 x 40kg |
18 x 50kg |
16 x 60kg |
14 x 70kg |
12 x 70kg |
10 x 70kg |
8 x 80kg |
6 x 80kg |
4 x 90kg |
20 x 40kg |
15 x 50kg |
10 x 60kg |
Kickbacks |
2 sets per leg |
12.5kg (10 straight leg, 10 bent) |
150kg 3 sets 12 reps |