From Strongwoman to Fitness Model in 8 weeks!

I had a brilliant idea that after competing in my first strong woman comp, I could 8 weeks later compete in a very glamorous fitness model beauty comp…. The idea seemed simple enough…but, in reality, this was an extremely short turnaround.
Training to be strong involved 6 months of extremely heavy low rep compound lifts, only focusing on Deadlifts, Press, Bench & Squats. Conditioning which involved log clean & press, push & pull of sledge & Farmers walks & 120kg tyre flips! (again heavy but AMRAP) for short bursts of time to the max of 60 seconds.) Also, untracked eating of food….food for fuel, energy & recovery. I always eat pretty clean & high protein diet but with this training, there was a lot of carbs to help me through each session.
I was probably averaging around 2500 calories per day and my weight had stabilised at 65kg on this consumption with training & my body fat was around 23%.
The supplements that helped me in this phase of training were:
Raspberry pre-workout with BCAA’s
Whey better RTD for after training
Whey better cookie & cream in my oats for breakfast
Joint supplement
So with only 8 weeks and a lot of body fat to lose to compete in a bikini on a stage, in front of hundreds of people, including for the first time my parents as well as my daughter & friends, the challenge was on and the cut was steep!
I was straight down to 1400 calories per day, mainly protein with low carbs and low fats.
My training was high volume high reps 6 days per week of weights. then gradually upped cardio from 30 mins per day to 60 mins as I got closer to comp.
The first 4 weeks felt good. It was fun training in a totally different way to the last few months. Short rests, pushing each set to feel the burn, super setting most exercises, targeting body parts in each session.
But after 4 weeks the low calories & high volume of training hit me hard. A couple of weeks I pushed my hardest but struggled emotionally.
Luckily I have amazing sponsors who pepped me up with some more supplies…
I now used Skinny Strawberry shake for breakfast (usually making it into a yummy pancake!)
Joint supplement
Colon Cleanse
The brand new pre workout called INSANITY which not only tasted unreal in cherry but also pushed me through my sessions right to the last couple of days out from comp when y calories dropped even lower!
Let's just say that, yes this was a crazy hard prep, & in future I will definitely give myself longer, but the pain was worth it as I managed to walk away placing 3rd, which I'm extremely happy with as the other competitors were all of an incredibly high standard, but I said from the beginning, my eyes are on the prize, every time I hit the gym & every time I prepped my meals.
Couldn’t have done it without all my support from family, friends & of course Team Bio Synergy

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