Bio-Synergy fuels Seb4CHUF C2C6 charity event performance

Recently, Bio-Synergy were proud to sponsor the Seb4CHUF C2C6 Cycle, Swim & Run event, which took place Sunday 19th July and Wednesday 22nd July. The event was designed to help raise money for CHUF as well as making a difference to the lives of those involved from all aspects.
It’s now almost 3 weeks since our Seb4CHUF C2C6 Challenge finished and the team has had time to reflect on what they have all achieved over the course of a quite amazing 4 days!
In the build up to an event like this I spend the vast majority of my time planning; whether the logistical elements, recruitment of participants, event sponsorship and even a little bit of time for my own physical training. What I rarely allow myself to do though, is dream about the event itself. I almost feel like it would be bad luck (not that I believe in luck) to dream and prefer to spend my time ensuring every single element is sorted. The other aspect that is so difficult to achieve is the feel of the event. Our vision for Seb4CHUF has always been that we create a family; that will embrace the challenge, support one another and truly believe in the cause. How on earth do you pull all of these things together, within one of the most brutal charity ultra-distance challenges around?
It would be easy to assume that Seb4CHUF exists purely to raise money for CHUF; but it would be incorrect. We exist because we want to make a difference to the lives of everyone involved in what we do…participants, support crew, family, friends, supporters, corporate sponsors…and heart kids! This is the reason we are still going strong, 6 years after we sat by Seb’s bedside, in Intensive Care wondering how we could repay those who saved him. It is the reason we have some of the most loyal supporters in the world and it is definitely the reason we have all been able to raise over £420,000!
It is for this reason that we never take for granted the support we have from our Sponsors; without it we could not possibly organise an event like this. The correct sports nutrition is critically important for an event as extreme as this and I take my leadership role in this incredibly seriously. Your products don’t just ensure this area is covered, their high quality made a significant difference. Thank you so much for all of your support and hopefully you are keen to continue our relationship in the future. From a personal perspective I am still using your products for my training and think it is the best I have ever used!

Stay tuned for more Bio-Synergy sponsored charity events later in the year. #MakeItHappen

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