Born and raised in London, Phoebe Robinson-Galvins talents as a dancer and performer were evident early on. Phoebe (or PRG as we come to know her) was technically trained in Ballet, Tap, Jazz and Modern dance from an early age by the time Phoebe was 13 years old her overwhleming passion for all dance styles lead her into the urban dance scene and she began learning and teaching in this field. Traveling through the urban she then glided into contemporary arts. Phoebe went on to become and extremely versatile dancer who graduated with a BA Hons Dance Degree specialising in contemporary dance styles at the University of Chichester in 2011.

At 19 years old and in her second year of her Degree, Phoebe gained a place at The University of Buffalo in New York USA where she transferred for 7 months. She underwent full time training in tap, ballet, and contemporary as well as persuing commercial and Hip Hop training in New York City. Her urgent desire to uproot more of her artistic creativity grew and she began to travel the world with dance. As part of her degree she lived in Hawaii to study the art of Hula dance and trained in Muay thai camps in Thailand for various months. This was just the beginning.

Since then Phoebe has performed both in the UK and internationally, appearing in music videos, commercials, TV shows, live theatrical performances, trade and co-operate events. She has appeared for Adidas, Mizuno, Wella, Tigi, Britain’s Got Talent, Strictly come Dancing, Scissor Sisters, The Clothes Show Live, Lee Evans viral, Graham Norton show, Arcade fire, Fast and Furious Film, and more.

To see Phoebes hunger, passion and talents you need look no further than her eyes. In the midst of her dance career she has also perused her flare for fitness which then resulted in her placing 2nd in the UK Body Building Federation, Kent Klassics Bikini division competition in 2013 and London SE bikini competition 2015. Phoebe then won a place to Compete for the UK British title in this sport. This lead to her becoming a sponsored athlete by Bio Synergy and rebound published fitness model. Phoebes Desire to be the best she can be has been her driving force in her career and life. Dancer, model, actress, Fitness competitor and trained in martial arts, Phoebe’s hunger to exceed herself is evident in all she does.

Phoebe has been training in mixed martial arts for the past two years and has been training with the best in Los Angeles for the past few months. She is now a sponsored athlete by Jiu Jitsu company Breakpoint and is moving into stunts for film.

PRG can’t wait for the rest of her journey to unfold.
To find out more about Phoebe and some of our other fantastic ambassadors head over to our ambassador page.