9 Weeks gone - 3 weeks to go!

Well, currently my weight is set at 77 kilos, which is 4 kilos more than I was when I competing in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu 3-4 years back. However, the differences in my body are significant. I am slimmer in my waist and my legs, and my back muscles are a lot bigger. I also beat my personal bests in the power clean, deadlift and my pull up capability - my forearms look like Popeye's (lol!). I am still pleased with everything and went for a body fat test with the calipers to check how much I have leaned down and I am pleased to say that my body fat percentage has reached 21.5%, which is a lot better than before. Although the climbing competition scene is a little quiet until the end of July, I have reached a lot of physical and mental goals that I have wanted to meet - most notably, my bouldering grade has gone up, my endurance is a lot better where I am climbing 15 long routes in one climbing session (2.5-3 hours long) and because I feel leaner than before, I am finding my confidence/mental strategies on crazy climbs a lot better.
As for injuries, etc., I recently saw a Muscle Activation Therapist regarding my hamstring, as it still aches quite a bit after a climbing session. I tore it over a year ago.  If you don't know what muscle activation is: Muscle Activation Techniques are a biomechanical based, neuromuscular assessment and treatment process. The MAT procedure addresses weak links within the muscular system, thereby allowing the body to function most efficiently while eliminating pain. The MAT process seeks to identify and eliminate the causes of muscular system issues that can lead to restricted motion, pain and injury. MAT gets to the root of pain and injury by addressing muscle weakness (the cause) rather than muscle tightness (the symptom). The primary function of muscle is to move and stabilise a joint. If joint stability decreases due to muscle inhibition, the nervous system will respond by increasing the tension on compensating muscles. MAT is designed to jumpstart the inhibited muscles so that the nervous system can utilise these muscles and the extra tension (muscle tightness) is no longer required.
From other physiotherapists and doctors, I have been told to stretch a lot and to do lots of squats and pilates to remedy this. However, this hasn't worked and I still get lower back pain, hamstring pain and a bad ache just under my glutes. After my MAT session, he worked on activating this area and my whole left leg felt exhausted, like I've been doing exercise on it or a good weights session. The next day, I felt like I'd worked all of my glutes for the first time. I have another session next week, so I will let you know how I get on, but I have a feeling, this will help me with my training. I always feel preventative and rehabilitation are the best things to keep on going with my training.

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